Kiss all of them. Find them, now. Kiss them, hug them, tell them you love them. If they laugh at your silliness, laugh with them and tell them you don't know what came over you.
Read a book. Read two. Today.
Feel the sun. Lay in the grass and appreciate the air around you, cool and soft and constantly moving. Pick a flower and give it to someone. Pick another and put it behind your ear. Forget it's there.
Don't argue. Don't complain. Don't hurt.
Take your kids out somewhere they always ask to go and when you get there, take pictures. If you don't have kids, call your niece, your nephew, your little brother or sister. Do something nice for them.
Donate. Adopt a pet. Adopt a classroom. Adopt a new way of seeing things.
Write, even if you're terrible at it.
Find a cause. Live for it, fight for it, be loyal to it. Write your congressmember. Tell him if he can't stand for you, you'll find someone who can. Realize that's only possible through you. Buy a pitchfork and light torches. Storm something.
Educate yourself. Don't be stupid. If you follow, follow someone worthy of you. If you lead, make yourself worthy. Don't just stand there.
Find a job. Find a hobby. Find Waldo. (finally)
Do a puzzle. Do a crossword. Give up halfway through but feel good for trying. Frame your puzzle.
Always be aware you're alive. (at least)
Walk somewhere. Run somewhere. Hop on one foot down a hill. Thank the paramedic. Don't call him an "ambulance driver". Make a crossword on your cast but only finish it halfway. Feel good for trying.
Organize. Recycle. Clean your fingernails.
Make something.
Listen to music you hate. Listen to music you love. Compare the differences.
Be strong, be fair, be loud. Do something you're afraid of. Teach someone else how to do it. Don't miss out. Ride a bike with someone. Take pictures.
Make your own jerky.
Appreciate trees.
Think about the universe. Find a constellation. Find God. (if you want)
Never pour salt on a snail. Never say never.
Write a stream of consciousness. Don't run out of things to say.